When your customers pay you, the funds first go to your smart contract. Auto-withdrawal option enables you to set a schedule for automatic withdrawal from your smart contracts to your crypto wallets, or set it so that you can withdraw manually.
These are your options:
Immediately (default): As soon as a customer pays you, the funds will immediately be withdrawn from your smart contract to your wallet. If you change from Immediately to other options, the moment you change back to Immediately, the funds accumulated in your smart contract will be transferred to your wallet.
Every 30 minutes: The funds will accumulate in your smart contracts and get sent to your wallets every 30 minutes.
Every 60 minutes: The funds will accumulate in your smart contracts and get sent to your wallets every 60 minutes.
Every 90 minutes: The funds will accumulate in your smart contracts and get sent to your wallets every 90 minutes.
Claim manually: The funds will accumulate in your smart contracts. You can withdraw it to your wallet whenever you want.