You can use API keys and Webhook subscription to integrate Fizen Pay to your preexisting Ecommerce shop.
Step 1. Go to Account settings in your Fizen Pay merchant account.
Step 2. In the API keys section, click New API key.
This will be the key used to connect your Ecommerce store to your Fizen Pay account.
Copy the API key.
Step 1. Go to Account settings in your Fizen Pay merchant account.
Step 2. In the Webhook Subscriptions section, click Add an endpoint
Step 3. Paste the URL of your Ecommerce in the Fizen Pay’s New Webhook Subscription modal, then click Save
Step 4. Click Shared secret button
and copy the Webhook shared secret. Save the Webhook shared sacred to your Ecommerce settings page.
Currently, Fizen Pay is supporting Woocommerce and Prestashop plugins. You can find the detailed installation guidelines here:
Merchant account (Mainnet): Fizen Pay Installation Guideline for WooCommerce - Merchant account (mainnet).pdf
Merchant account (Mainnet): Fizen Pay Installation Guide for Prestashop - Merchant account (mainnet).pdf